
Certara’s Best of the Blog 2017

A selection of short essays from our blog, written to empower our customers with modeling and simulation (M&S) and regulatory writing solutions in order to help them solve the toughest drug development problems. Certara staff contributions range in topic from pharmacometrics to systems biology to the growing importance of regulatory writing and sharing clinical trial results.

The Modernization of Orphan Drug Development

Orphan drugs affect 350,000 people worldwide, including 10% of the US population and 1 in 25 Europeans. Model-informed drug development (MIDD) approaches, such as PBPK and PopPK have been embraced by sponsors and regulators, and play a key role in modernizing and accelerating orphan drug development.

Obeticholic Acid—From PK Model to Drug Label

Watch this webinar with Jeffrey Edwards to learn how he used physiologic pharmacokinetic modeling to understand the relationship between systemic and hepatic exposure of OCA in patients with and without hepatic impairment. By watching this webinar, you will learn how pharmacokinetic modeling can support optimal dosing for patients with organ impairment and facilitate regulatory approval.

Certara’s Best of Blogs 2016

A selection of short essays from our blog, written to empower our customers with modeling and simulation (M&S) and regulatory writing solutions in order to help them solve the toughest drug development problems. Certara staff contributions range in topic from pharmacometrics to systems biology to the growing importance of regulatory writing and sharing clinical trial results.


There are 7,000 rare diseases impacting 350 million patients worldwide, yet only 300 of these diseases have approved treatments. This gap, impacting 95% of those suffering from rare diseases, represents a huge unmet medical need. Modeling and simulation approaches are not only ideal for the development of drugs for rare diseases, but are encouraged by regulators.

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