

External Vendor Data Exchange in Pinnacle 21
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Get cleaner non-EDC vendor data, faster

Ditch the spreadsheets and automate spec validations!

Since non-CRF data now accounts for over 70% of trial data, you likely work with lots of different vendors. So you create lots of data transfer specs. Get them agreed. But you still end up with dirty data! With with only email chains and spreadsheets to rely on there’s no audit trail. Just a lot of back and forth and manual work to get issues resolved. And a real risk of end-of-study delays. Sound familiar?

The Pinnacle 21 Enterprise (P21E) Data Exchange platform has everything you need to ease and accelerate vendor data reconciliation! Work together with vendors in one collaborative platform – which validates deliverables against specs for you. Hold vendors to a higher standard with collaborative tools for issue resolution, and a transparent audit trail. Now it’s possible to get cleaner data from vendors, in a much shorter timescale…

Why do external data reconciliation in Pinnacle 21 Enterprise?

Easily create data transfer specs

轻松创建数据传输 SPECs

The P21E platform lets you collaboratively create, manage and validate specifications in real-time. 相关团队可在一个中心位置轻松审查和编辑 SPECs,而无需再浏览多个电子表格和电子邮件链!

Reuse SDTM across studies

标准化和重复使用 SPECs

Establish a central library of reusable standards for non-CRF data collection. 这项艰巨的工作只需完成一次,然后就可以将规格标准化,并在后续研究中重复使用。因此,在供应商规格制定过程中可以节省大量时间。

Ensure quality & compliance with Pinnacle 21



Quickly resolve issues with Pinnacle 21


拥有一个供内部和外部团队协同管理数据的中央平台,可以大大缩短时间。Vendors can easily see and address non-EDC data issues, and all teams can collaborate transparently to resolve issues much faster.

Collaborate in one place with Pinnacle 21


只需在一个中心位置,即可审查、编辑和重复使用 SPECs,管理问题以及接收和验证供应商数据。可以提供多种类型的文件,包括 CSV、SAS 数据集和 Excel 文件,还可以集中管理相关人员的访问权限。

Get a regulatory preview


P21E provides a valuable source of metrics and analytics to aid decision making. 仪表盘提供了跨治疗领域、项目、研究和供应商的详细指标。跟踪规格制定、数据交付和问题解决的周转时间。甚至还能监控传输文件质量并自动执行工作流程。

Managing Non-CRF Data - Download the guide

How to get cleaner, more compliant data from external labs and vendors

How you’re better off with P21E


避免数周甚至数月等待供应商数据。流程内验证从一开始就能确保交付更高质量的产品。And external data reconciliation tools massively reduce issue resolution timelines. 据一家排名前十的制药公司报告,使用我们的平台后,平均每项研究每年可节省 400 个操作小时!


有了一个用于协作和沟通的中央平台,需要使用和支持的系统就会减少。数据传输和通信不再需要众多门户网站,而是将一切简化为 "单一真相源"。最终,所需的努力和资源都会减少,特别是在重复使用标准的情况下。



One top pharma client averaged 50-75% time savings on data transfer spec review!

Typical time savings for a top 10 pharma with Pinnacle 21 - External Vendor Data Reconciliation with Pinnacle 21

Get higher quality non-CRF vendor data with
Pinnacle 21 Enterprise


Testimonial of Pinnacle 21 by UCB
Testimonial of Pinnacle 21 by Longcharm Biomedicine
Pinnacle 21 webinar

Want to learn how quality and consistency can be increased with standardization?

Watch this free webinar to hear the improvements our customers have achieved through implementing standards for non-CRF data.


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External data reconciliation FAQs

What is Non-CRF data in clinical data management?

Non-CRF data refers to the collection of electronic data from external sources in clinical trials. This is data collected outside the EDC system (electronic data capture system) and it’s often referred to as Non-CRF data, third-party vendor data, Non-EDC data, and external data reconciliation.

What are the types of Non-CRF data?

Examples of Non-CRF data in clinical trials includes lab data, wearables data, medical images, and ePRO’s (electronic patient-reported outcomes). Non-CRF data is crucial in determining the safety and efficacy of new drugs being trialed.

What is Non-CRF data reconciliation in clinical trials?

External data reconciliation or lab data reconciliation refers to the process of comparing Non-EDC data against data held in the clinical database, and against the agreed data transfer specifications. For example, 3rd party vendor data must be verified against the agreed structure, codelists, and values.

How to manage Non-CRF data?

Non-CRF data can be reconciled manually, although it does pose certain challenges and risks related to human error. For example, there’s a greater chance of inaccuracies, inconsistencies, duplications and gaps being missed in manual checks. However, standardization of Non-EDC data and robust data management using an electronic vendor data reconciliation tool can resolve these challenges. You can read how one sponsor is handling external data reconciliation here >>


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