



这些研习班为以模型为基础的方法提供了坚实的基础,并不仅仅针对有实践经验的个人。这些内容适用于在药物代谢、ADME、临床药理学、药代动力学、PBPK 和 PK/PD 领域工作的工业界、学术界和研究机构的高级管理人员和科学家。

如需了解更多信息,请查看 Simcyp 研习班常见问题解答。

浏览即将举办的 Simcyp 研习班

Hear from Our Participants:

Comprehensive Knowledge:The workshop provided comprehensive knowledge of physiological PBPK modeling using the Simcyp Simulator. The exercises that were beneficial to gain hands on experience.” Konstantina Koliopoulou

Ease of Material:“The material was easier to go through compared to concentrated workshops.” Aurelija Radzeviciene

Real-World Application:“Participating in this workshop focused on PBPK modeling with Simcyp offered a multitude of positive aspects that could greatly benefit my research project. The hands-on experience was invaluable as it allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing my proficiency and confidence in using PBPK models.” Laura Olivo

On-site Education


Simcyp 线下教学计划可在您的现场提供定制培训课程。该计划既能满足科学家的小规模培训要求,也能满足他们的大规模研习班式培训要求。我们可以整合:

  • 入门或进阶 Simulator 培训
  • 涵盖关键主题和基于模型的药物开发当前趋势的重点研习班
  • 通过实际应用 Simulator 的实践练习提供专业指导
  • 为 Simcyp 内部工作组提供面对面支持


我们有 Simcyp 科学各方面的视频教程,并提供使用 Simcyp Simulator 的演示和实用技巧。本资料既可作为老用户的复习资料,也可作为新用户的入门资料。

该资源可通过 Simcyp 会员专区获取,其中还包括近期网络研讨会的录像和 Simcyp 免费 ADME 工具。E-learning 计划仅限于 Simcyp Simulator 用户和 Simcyp Consortium 成员公司。

Video Tutorials, Demos and Tips
Bastek Photo
Sebastian Polak, PhD高级科学顾问兼皮肤机制性模型负责人

Bastek 主导 Simcyp 皮肤模型和心脏安全建模与模拟系统 - 心脏安全模拟器的开发。他还是波兰克拉科夫 Jagiellonian 大学药学院生物制药学终身教授。

Sibylle Neuhoff, PhD Senior Scientific Advisor, Lead of the Transporter Group

Dr. Sibylle Neuhoff is a Senior Scientific Advisor and Deputy Head of the Translational Science Group at Certara Predictive Technologies, where she leads the Transporter Group within Simcyp. With over 25 years of experience in the fields of transport, transporters, and their mechanisms, Dr. Neuhoff is a recognized expert in PBPK/PD modeling, oral drug absorption, transport, metabolism, and toxicity. Her extensive research is documented in numerous peer-reviewed journal articles (Sibylle Neuhoff (0000-0001-8809-1960) – ORCID).

Dr. Neuhoff holds a degree in Chemistry from the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, and earned her PhD from the Department of Pharmacy at Uppsala University, Sweden, in 2006. Her current research focuses on the pharmacogenomics of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters, drug disposition and pharmacodynamics, ligand interactions with human metabolizing enzymes and transporters, endogenous biomarkers, and innovative approaches to simulate and predict metabolic clearance, drug-drug interactions, and transporter-related interactions in both healthy subjects and patient populations.

Dr. Neuhoff has taught over 50 PBPK workshops on the Simcyp™ PBPK Simulator, Simcyp Animal, and the Simcyp In Vitro Data Analysis (SIVA) toolkit, covering topics such as MIDD, Transporter, FIH, DDI, and Best Practices. She is regularly invited as speaker to present at national and international conferences and meetings.

Additionally, Sibylle is an active member of The International Transporter Consortium.

Bio Pic IanGardner
Iain Gardner, PhD高级科学顾问兼转化科学负责人

Iain 领导的科学团队负责进一步开发基于群体生理的 PK/PD 模拟器,以满足 Simcyp 联盟成员的需求。在加入 Certara 之前,他在辉瑞全球研发部的药物动力学、动力学和代谢部门工作了 12年。


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