主页 / 领导团队 / Lynne Georgopoulos, RN, MSHS, RAC
Lynne Georgopoulos

Lynne Georgopoulos, RN, MSHS, RAC

Vice President, Regulatory Strategy

Lynne 拥有超过 30 年的生物制药和 CRO 经验,在产品开发的所有阶段提供战略、临床开发和监管建议。作为 Synteract 监管事务和儿科战略发展部副总裁,以及 KinderPharm 监管事务和临床开发部高级副总裁,她在过去几年里一直致力于促进创新方法来加快儿科药物的开发。She has led numerous successful regulatory filings and agency interactions (e.g., Pre-IND, INDs, NDA/BLAs, EMA scientific advice, EOP2, and Pre-NDA).


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