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如何通过生物模拟促进 COVID-19 疫苗开发

YouTube video

Currently, there are over 155 vaccines in the pipeline for COVID-19 . Traditional vaccine development timelines cannot meet the urgent need for a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine. How can we understand which COVID-19 vaccines are best for whom and speed up development?

Biosimulation has become an indispensable tool in drug development and has been used extensively for anti-infective therapeutics. Examples include the development of rilpivirine and raltegravir (HIV), simeprivir (Hepatitis C Virus), oseltamivir (influenza virus), and others. Biosimulation is an essential tool for selecting and optimizing the most promising vaccine candidates to advance clinical development and manufacturing.

To learn more about how biosimulation can be used to accelerate and optimize vaccine development for COVID-19, watch this webinar with Piet van der Graaf, PhD, Sr. Vice President Quantitative Systems Pharmacology and Thomas Kerbusch, PhD, Chief Growth Officer, at Certara.


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