
After conducting a micro-costing study at two hospitals in Italy, Medtronic’s team turned to Certara’s BaseCase platform to build an app that would communicate the potential cost savings and reduced length of stay timelines to key stakeholders in various markets.
Upon launching the app, it was found that the clear and simple ways in which the value messages were communicated not only made the data and evidence easily understandable, but also kept audiences engaged much longer than other traditional collateral. Internally, the success of the app also helped raise awareness about the effectiveness of MIS. And the flexibility of the BaseCase platform enabled the team to rapidly act on feedback from field teams, with new prototypes taking less than one day to get in the hands of field teams.

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On BaseCase, information is presented in a visually attractive way. You can instantly see how a change to an input impacts the results. This allows people to connect the dots. When seeing a graph move, people can more easily grasp the meaning of the data. For MIS, we had great study data, but the crucial last step is to present it in a way that makes sense to everyone.

Zenichi Ihara Senior Analyst

Headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Medtronic, lnc. is the global leader in medical technology – alleviating pain, restoring health, and extending life for millions of people around the world. Medtronic has over 100,000 employees in 120 different countries, and 2017 revenues exceeded $30 billion. Medtronic’s Spinal Business (based in Memphis, Tennessee) is the global market leader and committed to advance the treatment of spinal conditions.

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