

Certara’s mission to accelerate medicines to patients using biosimulation, software and services defines who we are as a company, what we do, but also how we achieve success for our customers. As Certara continues to grow, we can be proud not only of what we have accomplished together, but also that we did it the right way.

药物发现和开发过程漫长且成本昂贵,失败往往多于成功。在 Certara,我们使用生物模拟和技术支持服务来预期并解决您的关键药物发现和开发风险以及决策。

The benefits of biosimulation are significant. A top ten global biopharmaceutical company by R&D spend, estimated that they saved more than half a billion dollars over three years using Certara biosimulation to inform key decisions. Biosimulation can reduce the size of and cost of human trials, the most expensive and time-consuming part of drug development, and in some cases, eliminate certain human trials completely. An analysis published on Applied Clinical Trials Online, to which Certara contributed, estimated that $1 billion was saved in clinical trial costs using biosimulation for a cancer drug due to consistently shorter completion times in the later phase clinical trials.

More than 1,650 customers worldwide chose Certara as their trusted partner for our gold-standard biosimulation software and tech-enabled services. 作为您值得信赖的合作伙伴,我们支持在整个生物制药研发过程中做出可靠的决策,从而缩短周期时间,降低成本并改善患者的治疗效果。

实际上,全球有 17 个监管机构已经采用了我们的 Phoenix™ PK/PD 和/或 Simcyp™ PBPK Simulator 软件平台,包括美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 和欧洲药品管理局 (EMA)。

90 percent of new drug approvals by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Review (CDER) were received by Certara’s customers in 2022, excluding diagnostic agents. 这是 Certara 使用公司生物模拟软件和技术驱动服务的客户连续第 9 年有新药被 FDA 批准用于广泛的治疗适应症,从肿瘤到罕见疾病。

Link to FDA Novel Drug Approvals for 2022


100+ Novel drugs Informed by the Simcyp Simulator

Developed and updated over the past 20 years via the Simcyp Consortium of leading biopharm companies, the Simcyp Simulator is used by our consulting team to support companies of all sizes and stages of drug development. Used by regulators for drug review, Simcyp was leveraged for the first FDA MIDD PBPK project. The Simcyp Simulator has informed dosing decision for 100+ new drugs and 300+ label claims for oncology, rare, CNS, cardiac, and other therapeutic areas.

View the Simcyp 100 video
100+ Novel drugs Informed by the Simcyp Simulator
Leading the Industry in Drug Discovery and Development with gold-standard software platforms

Leading the Industry in Drug Discovery and Development with gold-standard software platforms

Certara’s quantitative approach to model-informed drug development offers a comprehensive view of the clinical and regulatory possibilities and challenges facing new therapies. 我们由此获得了重要见解,从而为我们的生物模拟软件开发提供相应的信息。These insights help us to anticipate and align our technology roadmap with our customers’ needs and priorities. By providing the clearest picture of both opportunities and risks in the development lifecycle, we remove doubt and inspire confidence at key milestones during the process.



依托于我们 650 多名医疗保健与制药专业人员数十年来积累的深厚经验以及先进的技术解决方案,我们还提供药物开发咨询服务。这种业务组合提供了大量的药物开发见解与专业知识,从而助力客户在监管方面和商业方面获得成功,同时也节省了大量的时间和资金。过去的十年间,我们共计参与了 7,000 多个客户重点项目,积累了丰富的行业经验。

Unmatched Experience and Expertise
Bio Pic KarenYeo
Karen Rowland Yeo,博士 客户与监管策略高级副总裁

自 2002 年以来,Karen 一直负责与通过体外数据推断预测人体内药代动力学相关的项目。这包括在 Simcyp Simulator 中开发和实现模型。她的具体研究兴趣包括生理药代动力学建模和药物相互作用预测。

Julie Headshot big
Julie Bullock, PharmD 高级副总裁兼临床药理学和转化医学部全球主管

Julie 在 FDA 拥有 10 多年的药物开发经验。Dr. Bullock 曾任临床药理学组组长和高级临床药理学审查员(FDA)。她的监管经验主要集中在血液/肿瘤和凝血治疗领域。她对儿科开发、生物制剂的PK/PD分析和方法、肿瘤学剂量策略以及突破性疗法和加速审批的开发有独到的见解。Dr. Bullock 在其 10 年的 FDA 职业生涯中,为超过 14 项新分子实体的批准做出了贡献。

Bio Pic FranBrown 1
Fran Brown, PhD Senior Vice President, Certara Drug Development Solutions

从药物早期发现到报批和上市后,Fran 在全球战略性和运营性药物开发方面拥有超过 25 年的经验。她在战略性药物发现和开发方面拥有广泛的知识,尤其侧重于发展策略和模型引导的药物开发 (MIDD) 的应用。

Piet vanderGraaf
Piet van der Graaf, PharmD, PhD 高级副总裁兼定量系统药理学负责人

Piet van der Graaf 现任 Certara 高级副总裁兼 QSP 负责人,同时也是莱顿大学系统药理学教授。Piet 是 2013 - 2016 年莱顿药物研究学术中心的研究主任。1999 - 2013 年,Piet 在辉瑞公司的研发生物学、药代动力学和药物代谢、以及临床药理学等部门担任过多种领导职务。Piet 于2012 - 2018 年担任 CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology 的创始主编,随后成为 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 的主编。Piet 曾在伦敦国王学院师从诺贝尔奖获得者 Sir James Black,接受了临床医学的博士培训。他曾获得 2024 年美国临床药理学与治疗学会(ASCPT)颁发的 Gary Neil 药物开发创新奖,同时也是国际定量药理学会(ISoP)2021 年领袖奖的获得者。Piet 是英国药理学会的当选委员,在定量药理学和药物开发领域发表了超过 200 篇同行评议的论文。


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