
Using PML to Perform Mechanistic Pharmacokinetic Modeling

Watch this webinar with Cen Guo—a graduate student at UNC-Chapel Hill—to learn how she used an integrated approach to predict alterations in bile acid disposition due to inhibition of multiple transporters using the model bile acid taurocholate (TCA).

Using PBPK Models to Assess Fetal Drug Exposure

The tragedy of thalidomide provides a cautionary tale about the potential for birth defects resulting from fetal exposure to drugs. Thalidomide was used to treat morning sickness in pregnant women. By the time it was banned in 1962, more than 10,000 children had been born with thalidomide-induced birth defects. “Phocomelia,” wherein babies were born with … Continued

Using Model-based Meta-analysis to Inform Drug Development for Autoimmune Diseases

MBMA helps sponsors design less costly and more precise trials with an eye toward achieving commercial success for both the drug and portfolio. Watch this webinar with Dr. Mark Lovern, Vice President at Certara Strategic Consulting, to learn how leveraging public data can provide value by abbreviating the “cash spiral” inherent to proprietary data.

The Modernization of Orphan Drug Development

Orphan drugs affect 350,000 people worldwide, including 10% of the US population and 1 in 25 Europeans. Model-informed drug development (MIDD) approaches, such as PBPK and PopPK have been embraced by sponsors and regulators, and play a key role in modernizing and accelerating orphan drug development.

Predictive Toxicology: Bringing Chemical Risk Assessment into the 21st Century

Traditional toxicology methods, using in vivo animal testing, is an unrealistic approach to predict chemical risk assessment. Mechanistic modeling and simulation tools such as PBPK and QST can expedite toxicological screening, support the prioritization for testing compounds that merit greater study, and reduce unnecessary animal testing.


Sponsors often struggle with submission planning. Read this white paper to learn how to develop a plan that minimizes stress and increases your chances of regulatory success.

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