
Visualizing SEND Data: Why and How

Nonclinical scientists in drug development have volumes of data to analyze and interpret. Visualization is a key tool in their toolbox, allowing for the detection of signals and outliers. SEND datasets are ideal for powering these visualizations. Learn how to turn this regulatory dataset into a engine for internal decision-making with SEND Explorer.

简化 NCA 工作流程

准备递交的 PK 分析面临着许多数据和合规方面的挑战。为了高效工作,分析人员需要一种方法和工具集,以便:与我们一起探索在安全的云托管环境中提供这些优势的工作流程。We’ll follow a non-compartmental analysis from end-to-end to highlight best practices for data preparation, modeling, and submission readiness. … Continued

网络研讨会聚焦:"缩小差距:将定量药理学与定量系统药理学 (QSP) 相结合,实现更平稳的临床阶段过渡

借助行业领导者的真知灼见,掌握临床阶段的转换!欢迎加入 QSP 高级副总裁兼负责人 Piet van der Graaf、QSP 神经科学建模负责人 Hugo Geerts、Certara 药物开发解决方案副总裁 Mirjam Trame 和 Certara 药物开发服务高级副总裁、药学博士 Julie M. Bullock 的行列。We are thrilled to welcome keynote speaker and panelist … Continued

Off-Target Drug Safety: Replacing Educated Guesswork with Evidence-Based Risk Assessment

Secondary pharmacology profiling involves the screening of small molecule compounds against a broad range of targets in order to try to predict off-target interactions leading to safety issues in humans. To date, this has generally required an opinion-based approach, but opinions vary and are inherently unreliable. To evaluate this quantitatively requires the use of surrogate … Continued

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