主页 / 资源 / 网络研讨会 / 总结一下!针对法规撰写人员的 GPT 引导词

总结一下!针对法规撰写人员的 GPT 引导词


With the advent of GPTs, regulatory writers face an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity? To automate and accelerate how they summarize text and study data sources. The challenge? To ensure accurate output that remains under their editorial control. 

One key to seizing this opportunity is the careful authoring, judicious use, and within-team sharing of prompts: the instructions you give to a GPT model to produce fit-for-purpose content. How you phrase a prompt, and the source text or data on which you ask your GPT to operate, need careful consideration to deliver regulatory-worthy content. 

Join this webinar for a course on “best prompt practices” from David Meats, an experienced regulatory writer and Director of Regulatory Science and Medical Affairs at Certara, and Christopher Kutzler, Product Manager at Certara. David and Chris will provide guidance and examples through CoAuthor, the industry’s first platform combining structured content authoring, a full eCTD template library, and GenAI in a Microsoft Word-integrated solution that sits behind a user’s firewall for complete data privacy. 

GenAI is already changing your workflow. Join this webinar to take your place among regulatory leaders ensuring the best results!  

dm headshot 3
David Meats
Director of Regulatory Science and Medical Affairs
Chris Kutzler
Christopher Kutzler
Product Manager


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